I got 8/9/6.5/6.5 in IELTS

4min read

Actually, my goal is 8/8/7/7, which is CLB9, an elegant score to apply for Canada's EE immigration, although I know it is still not enough even if I get that high score. I just want to prove something.

After I finished the IELTS exam, I guessed I could get

  • listening 7.5~8, actually got 8, within expectation.

    It was far easier than that I practiced, but I still missed some information, which happened to me frequently. I should change my method of practicing. At first, I thought I could never reach this high 8. However, I practiced a lot, then I made improvement.

  • reading 8.5, actually got 9, exceed expectation.

    I never got a 9 in practice. Sometimes when practicing, I was confused in T/F/NG part. But in this exam, this part was quite clear. Sometimes I also failed in matching questions. This time I was stuck in information matching. It took me more time than planned but still left with uncertain. Thanks to the few minutes before timeout, I told myself I could make it, because it was just as simple as to find the information from the text.

  • writing 7, actually got 6.5, without expectation.

    I practiced a lot in this part with at least 30 essays written. Besides, I prepared beautiful sentenses for each topic. I got several 8 marked by AimWriting. So I was quite confident in this part. However, it was disappointing.

  • speaking 6.5~7, actually got 6.5, within expectation.

    I did quite well in part 1 I guess. But when it came to part 2, I was kind of in a rush, without organising my speech well. And in part 3, I said something negative and in personal perspective, while general positive answers are commonly welcomed. I don't know why those words came out of my mouth, maybe due to my current state.

In general, this exam is easier than I thought. But I have to say it is because I fully prepared. So what I am going to say below is something I got from the preparation period.

The more prepared you are, the better you will do

We all know it! But do you feel the same way as I did that the goal seemed too high for me ever to reach. It is like beyond my ability even though I work hard for it. I thought I was unable to get an 8 in listening part, because listening was my weakness. But I had to overcome it. So I practiced a lot. I finished all the tests in Cambridge 11 - 14 at least twice. I subcribed The IELTS Listening Test on Youtube. I practiced on IELTS Online Test and IELTSDAY. I saw my improvement from band 6 to band 7. But I couldn't make it to band 8. I realized I was stuck. There was something wrong with my method. I needed to practice my listening not only by listening to those test audio again and again, but also by listening to some other talks like TED or repeating what I heard sentence by sentence. Believe me, I tried, but it didn't last long. I was like a machine, sticking on the same routine, hoping to work it out, as the exam was coming soom. Although I got 8 at the exam, I couldn't guarantee it the next time. So I decided to change and I thought band 8 was not that difficult.

What I am going to say is

  • practice can make improvement.
  • but when you get stuck, it's time for change.
  • then practice again.
  • the more you do this practice-change, the better result you will get
  • you never imagine how far you can go.

Keep patient and positive

I quited my job at the beginning of this year, after the pandemic crisis in China but before its explosion worldwidely, which I'd never expected. At that time, all I wanted was to stay with my new born son, and prepare for our dreamed life. IELTS was part of it. But the pandemic had blocked our way. It was not until this July did IELTS reopen. And because of the recession, there are very few job opportunities for my husband. I was getting anxious, which added more pressure on my family.

My husband calmed me down. Although I could see how stressful he was, he believed good things come to those who prepare and wait. We had no better choice, living under complaint and anxiety, or enjoying as it is but working hard with hope. Obviously the latter. So I tried my best to throw away those negative attitudes, enjoy being with my family, and work hard on IELTS and my career stuff. It was really hard. However, at least I was rewarded a not bad IELTS score, a stage achievement, an encouragement.

I had to mention that I said something negative in speaking part3, which I guess cost me the score. The topic was about job, exactly a hurt deep in my heart. So I couldn't stop those words coming out of my mouth. So always stay positive. It will be with you anywhere and anytime, influencing your mind and outlook.

After this exam

I've gained a lot during this period, but it is still a long way to go. Success is after attaining small achievements one by one. If I have successfully overcome difficulties and attained one goal, it will be possible to attain the others. Isn't it right?



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