Algorithm Notes: Traversal of Binary Tree

Mostly we know that the traversal of binary tree can be easily done by recursion....

3min read

Algorithm Notes: Understanding of Binary Search

Recently, I have recovered my algorithm praticing. It's like something is messing in my mind, maybe due to the shallow understanding before. When I tried to implement a binary search to find the first number that is not less than...

4min read

Algorithm Notes: Binary Heap

A Binary Heap is a complete Binary Tree. It is either a Min Heap, where parent node's value is less than or equal to its children's, or a Max Heap, where parent node's value is greater than or equal to...

2min read

Algorithm Notes: KMP

String searching is one of the most common interview problems. Of course, it can be solved by using the simple way that every body can work out, which is:...

10min read