Automatic Chain's Animation On wheel Models

3min read

In last blog, I introduced the construction of the chains on wheels. This blog will tell the animation calculations. The chain's animation is like this:

We see that the chain can transform from spreading to enclosing smoothly. Of course, the reverse is supported.

The calucation steps are as follows:

  1. Build the chain for spreading and enclosing state.

  2. Get the animation info for each component on the chain, which includes start/end positions and tangents, total rotated angles, rotation axis.

  3. Do appropriate interplation for the position and rotation change each frame.

The detailed calculations are introduced below.

Step1: Build Chain

The construction of enclosed chain is introduced in last blog. Now left the spreaded chain, which is much simpler.

After we got the curve for the enclosed chain, we find the middle point, whose tangent is the tangent of all points on the spreading curve. Then the position of each point is calculated according to the tangent and the distance to the middle point.

Step2: Get Animation Info

The animation info struct for each component on the corresponding point on the chain curve is as below:

class AnimChild
    public Transform transform;    //Unity tranform for the animated component

    public Vector3 startPosVec;
    public Vector3 endPosVec;

    public Vector3 startTangent;
    public Vector3 endTangent;
    public float rotAngle;
    public Vector3 rotAxis;

    public float lastAngle; //keep track of the rotated angle of last frame

Before I explain the core properties of the struct, some information should be told.

As we see in the gif at the begining of this article, that the animation is done from two sides towards middle. So first we need to identify the middle point, which is the same as decribed in Step1. Then the properties are calculated based on the middle point with slight difference.

  1. start/end posVec
startPosVec=startPositionmiddlePosition startPosVec = startPosition - middlePosition endPosVec=endPositionmiddlePosition endPosVec = endPosition - middlePosition

We use the vector instead of position, because we use Slerp rather then simple Lerp of positions. The reason will be described in Step3.

  1. start/end Tangent

    This is just the tangent of each point on start and end curve.

  2. rotAxis

    Generally, the rotAxisrotAxis is the same as the forward direction of the plane composed by the wheel circles. However, remember that the animations of left and right sides are opposite in its direction. So the rotAxisrotAxis of one side needs to be reversed.

  3. rotAngle

rotAngle=arccos(startTangentendTangent) rotAngle = arccos(startTangent \bullet endTangent)

As we all know that the dot product of two vectors can help get the angle between them. However, we should notice that the range of the result of arccosarccos is [0,π][0, \pi]. So when the actual angle is larger than π\pi, we need to do

rotAngle=360rotAngle rotAngle = 360 - rotAngle

to get the actual angle. But how can we know whether the angle is larger than π\pi?

We can use the cross product, which can get the normal vector of the plane containing the two vectors.

normal=startTangent×endTangent normal = startTangent \times endTangent


dotProduct=normalrotAxis dotProduct = normal \bullet rotAxis

If dotProduct<0dotProduct < 0, which means normalnormal is different direction to rotAxisrotAxis, let's say the angle is larger than π\pi.

Step3: Interpolate

Finally, we do the interpolation of positions and rotations each frame to simulate the animation.

First we need to get the interpolation factor tt of the current frame.

t=timeElapsedtotalTimet = \frac {timeElapsed}{totalTime}
  1. Rotation Interpolation

    Rotation is simple. Just interpolate the angle and do Rotate around the rotAxisrotAxis. The Rotate API is provided by Unity.

  2. Position Interpolation

    We use Slep instead of Lerp for the position interpolation, because the Lerp can't give us a smooth arc animation path. (see 1, 2). According the the Unity's Slerp API, we calculate the vector between the start and end position rather than simply use the positions themselves.

The code is as below:

timeElapsed += Time.deltaTime;
if (timeElapsed > totalTime)
    //finish animation

float t = Mathf.Clamp01(timeElapsed / totalTime);
for (int i = 0; i < animChilds.Count; i++)
    AnimChild child = animChilds[i];
    float angle = child.rotAngle * t;
    child.transform.Rotate(child.rotAxis, angle - child.lastAngle, Space.World);
    child.lastAngle = angle;

    Vector3 posVec = Vector3.Slerp(child.startPosVec, child.endPosVec, t);
    child.transform.position = midPos + posVec;

That's how I did to yield the final animation. However it did not proceed that smoothly, dealing with the position interpolation and rotAnglerotAngle. The methods descibed above are gained by trial and error, which is the common methodology of solving problems. Right?


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