
​ 一年前的我,把孕育生命看作是具有神圣使命感的一件事;如今,看着身边的这位两月龄的小天使,回味一年半左右的备孕、怀孕、生产史,不禁感慨这是我生命中多么美好的...

14min read

A Simple Piano App Developed By Tonejs

When I was pregnant, my husband bought me a piano, because he wanted us and our baby to learn piano together. Hmm... a good point:)...

5min read



5min read

Implement Undo/Redo With Mobx In React

In one of my React project with three.js, I chose MobX as my state management over Redux, mostly because I found it difficult to deal immutability with three.js. However, mutability brings difficulties in the history management. I spent much effort...

3min read

Automatic Chain's Animation On wheel Models

In last blog, I introduced the construction of the chains on wheels. This blog will tell the animation calculations. The chain's animation is like this:...

3min read

Automatic Chain's Construction On wheel Models

Rencently I did have fun with a project which I'd like to share. It is to construct a chain automatically on wheels. Like these:...

2min read

Use Thread In Unity

It's been a long time since my last blog, as I've recently spent plenty of time to save a dying project that my ex-colleague left. When confronted with a file transferring bug, I found some essential caveats in Thead usage...

2min read

Customize CSS Class In React-Bootstrap Under CSS-Modules

For a quick start, I used electron-react-boilerplate as the basis for developing my tiny smart-todo app, which however brought me some trouble with css class names....

2min read