The UGUI Design of uBlockly - Reimplementation of Google Blockly in Unity

For Chinese:...

5min read

The Interpreter and Runner of uBlockly - Reimplementation of Google Blockly in Unity

For Chinese:...

6min read

The Blockly Model of uBlockly - Reimplementation of Google Blockly in Unity

For Chinese:...

4min read

Introduction of uBlockly - Reimplementation of Google Blockly in Unity

For Chinese:...

1min read

Automatic Chain's Animation On wheel Models

In last blog, I introduced the construction of the chains on wheels. This blog will tell the animation calculations. The chain's animation is like this:...

3min read

Automatic Chain's Construction On wheel Models

Rencently I did have fun with a project which I'd like to share. It is to construct a chain automatically on wheels. Like these:...

2min read

Use Thread In Unity

It's been a long time since my last blog, as I've recently spent plenty of time to save a dying project that my ex-colleague left. When confronted with a file transferring bug, I found some essential caveats in Thead usage...

2min read

Restrict Object In Specified Screen Area Using Orthographic Camera

I’ve encountered a problem to adjust the position of orthographic camera for restricting 3D objects in the specified rectangle area in the screen. I was sure of the possibility, but it did take me some effort to accomplish it. Here...

3min read