Restrict Object In Specified Screen Area Using Orthographic Camera

I’ve encountered a problem to adjust the position of orthographic camera for restricting 3D objects in the specified rectangle area in the screen. I was sure of the possibility, but it did take me some effort to accomplish it. Here...

3min read



2min read

Manipulate UGUI Image Mesh

It is known that the Image component in Unity UI can draw a texture under canvas. There are basically 4 types: Simple, Sliced, Tiled, Filled, which offers diversity manipulation of texture drawing. However, it is not enough! After digging into...

4min read

Serialization For Dynamically Created MonoBebavior Scripts

在Unity项目开发过程中,特别是UI开发,我们会做一些Automation Work,提高开发效率。比如我们做了一个标记UI Element并自动生成脚本获取...

2min read

Google Blockly Reimplementation with Unity/C#(4)

For English:...

8min read



5min read

Google Blockly Reimplementation with Unity/C#(3)

For English:...

5min read


从新西兰回来已经一个多礼拜了,我问老公“还有感觉么”,他说“最多的还是驾车的疲惫感”… 其实我能够理解,对于一个程序员直男来说,不会小清新,对风景的记忆是很容易...

7min read